Shoals Club Membership
There are so many things to love about the Shoals Club – lounging by the pool, strolling out to the Cape Fear Point, savoring fresh seafood while enjoying an unmatched view of the ocean. Family activities and kid-friendly holiday parties create opportunities for all ages to relax, celebrate and enjoy time together. Simply put, the Shoals Club delivers a new level of shore side experiences. As a sister to the Bald Head Island Club, these two island premier clubs present an ocean of possibilities to members, their guests as well as guest pass holders.
Access to the Shoals Club is made available through a membership attached to a Bald Head Island property. Guest Passes are available, for a fee, to guests staying in the home of a Shoals Club member. Learn more below.

Acquiring A Full Shoals Club Membership
The time to acquire a membership at the Shoals Club has now passed and memberships are no longer available. For more information about being added to the waitlist, stop by the Shoals Club office located at the Shoals Club, 100 Station House Way, or contact Connie Moore, Membership Director, 910-457-4474 or [email protected].

Acquiring An Annual Membership/
Extended Family Privileges
One of the many perks of being a Shoals Club member is the ability to purchase an Annual Membership, giving your extended family full access to the club when you are not present. This type of membership has a small annual fee per extended family unit. Extended family members shall include the parents, children who are over twenty-three years old, grandparents, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the member and spouse and the spouse of such family members.
This is not applicable to Hammocks and Fractional Ownership members.
Email your completed Extended Family Annual Membership form along with a photo (No hats or sunglasses) to [email protected]. Please allow 3-5 days for processing.
2024 Annual Membership Registration forms are available here Please note that these rates are good through April 30, 2025.
For more information about obtaining an Annual Membership contact the office at 910-454-4888.
We look forward to welcoming our Guest Pass Holders to the Shoals Club this 2025 season!
When vacationing on Bald Head Island, the Shoals Club is the complete package for an exceptional island experience.
Shoals Club Guest Pass Holders have full access to the Club’s amenities. The home you are renting must have a Full Shoals Club membership AND be registered in the Annual Rental Program, in order for guests to purchase a guest pass holder.
If you are interested in becoming a guest pass holder during your stay on Bald Head Island, please fill out the 2025 Guest Pass Registration Form and email it to us at [email protected]. We will process your registration and advise, via email, your next steps.
The Guest Pass Holder pricing will remain as a per person rate. Every Guest Pass Holder coming through the club gate, 6 years and above, using Club amenities, will need to be a registered Guest Pass Holder. Guest Pass Holders will not be able to bring guests. Please be prepared to present your guest pass cards when using any of the club amenities.
Please note that the Shoals Club does not have CAPS on our Guest Passes, with the exception of 4th of July week.
Guests must register and pay for the passes at least 5 days prior to arrival, in order to avoid the $100 administrative late fee.
No refunds, full or partial, will be issued for Guest Passes
The club will be closed in its entirety on Saturday, August 30, 2025 for the Annual Member Party. Beach access with chairs and umbrellas will be available from 9am-4pm.
For questions regarding a Guest Pass, please call the office at 910-454-4888
Annual Renter Registration Program
For members who rent their homes, the Board has approved an Annual Renter Registration Program.
Members who wish to make the Shoals Club Guest Passes available to their renters and guests, will need to be actively enrolled in the program by completing the Annual Registration form via their member portal. Please call 910-454-4888 should you have any questions or need assistance.
Please Note